Scarce Second World War German Naval Admiral’s peaked cap. Superior quality navy blue wool body, with reinforced leather peak, showing two rows of ‘scrambled eggs’ rank distinction for a flag officer. Bullion woven golden eagle/swastika and cockade & wreath (showing light threading to top of wreath) sewn onto black woven centre band, with black leather chinstrap mounted onto the twin gilded buttons. Good floppy crushed shaped crown, with beige leather sweat band and remains of maker mark to blue silken liner.
Scarce Second World War German Naval Admiral’s peaked cap. Superior quality navy blue wool body, with reinforced leather peak, showing two rows of ‘scrambled eggs’ rank distinction for a flag officer. Bullion woven golden eagle/swastika and cockade & wreath (showing light threading to top of wreath) sewn onto black woven centre band, with black leather chinstrap mounted onto the twin gilded buttons. Good floppy crushed shaped crown, with beige leather sweat band and remains of maker mark to blue silken liner.
Weight | 1 kg |
Dimensions | 40 × 40 × 20 cm |