185cm x 90cm yellow cotton construction armband with machine woven, black, Gothic script in two lines to the obverse, “Deutsche Wehrmacht”, (German Armed Forces), with faint ink WH stamp to top right corner. The top and bottom edges of the armband have interwoven rows of reinforcement stitching and the reverse of the armband has a machine stitched, vertical seam. Shows use and folding. The Army Mobilization Order of March 12th 1937, introduced a wide variety of armbands that were worn to identify personnel performing specific duties or functions for the Armed Forces. Most of the armbands were worn on the...



185cm x 90cm yellow cotton construction armband with machine woven, black, Gothic script in two lines to the obverse, "Deutsche Wehrmacht", (German Armed Forces), with faint ink WH stamp to top right corner. The top and bottom edges of the armband have interwoven rows of reinforcement stitching and the reverse of the armband has a machine stitched, vertical seam. Shows use and folding.

The Army Mobilization Order of March 12th 1937, introduced a wide variety of armbands that were worn to identify personnel performing specific duties or functions for the Armed Forces. Most of the armbands were worn on the upper left sleeve of uniformed or non-uniformed personnel and were worn only while the individual was performing the specific duty or function identified by the armband. The "Deutsche Wehrmacht", (German Armed Forces), armband was one of the armbands introduced with the Army Mobilization Order of March 12th 1937 and was designed for wear by non-uniformed personnel serving with the Armed Forces. Of Note: New regulations of October 1st 1941 restricted wear of this armband to non-uniformed non-combatant personnel.

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 20 × 10 × 5 cm
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